Privacy Policy

Before delving into this page, let’s provide a snapshot of what it’s all about.

First and Foremost:

Your data is safe with us. All the powerful features we offer operate right within your browser. We have no interest in storing or scrutinizing any data you input on our tools.

As you may have noticed, our site is entirely free. While there are no charges for using it, there are costs associated with development and hosting. To keep things free, we might include third-party ads (like Google AdSense or others) on our pages. These ads contribute to covering our development and hosting expenses.

We genuinely want you to feel at home on our site. Our goal is for you to make this a daily stop for your tasks. That’s what matters most to us, and that’s how we hope to sustain this website.

So, to reiterate, we don’t want your data for revenue or any competitive advantages.

The only exception is when you voluntarily rate a functionality to help us enhance it (thank you!). In this case, we store the provided rating, the functionality details, and the options you used. However, rest assured, your data never leaves your browser!

Purpose of this Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to and outlines how we prioritize and protect user privacy. It defines user obligations, our responsibilities, and the way we handle the data you input on this site.

What does this privacy policy cover?

This privacy policy pertains to and oversees the privacy of individuals choosing to utilize its services. The policy delineates the various aspects related to user privacy, specifying the obligations and requirements for users, the website, and its owners. Additionally, the document provides insight into how this website handles the data inputted by users.

About the Website

The website and its proprietors adopt a proactive stance towards user privacy, implementing necessary measures to safeguard users’ privacy throughout their interaction with the site.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are employed on this website to enhance users’ experiences during their visits. When applicable, a cookie control system is in place, allowing users to decide whether to allow or disallow the use of cookies on their computer or device during their initial visit. This aligns with recent legislation mandating explicit user consent before files like cookies are stored on their device. Cookies, small files stored on users’ computers, track, save, and store information about user interactions and website usage. Users are advised to adjust their web browser security settings if they wish to block cookies from this website and its external serving vendors. Google’s DoubleClick cookie, for interest-based advertising, allows Google and its partners to serve ads based on users’ visits to this site and other internet locations.

Users can opt out of DoubleClick cookie-based interest advertising by adjusting their preferences in Ads Settings.

This website also utilizes tracking software provided by Google Analytics, which uses cookies to monitor visitor usage. These cookies do not store personal information. Details about Google’s privacy policy can be found here.

Other cookies may be stored by external vendors when the website employs referral programs, sponsored links, or advertisements. These cookies, used for conversion and referral tracking, typically expire after 30 days. No personal information is stored or collected.

Advertisements and Sponsored Links

Sponsored links and advertisements may be present on this website, typically served through advertising partners with detailed privacy policies specific to the ads they display. Clicking on such advertisements may redirect users to the advertisers’ websites through referral programs utilizing cookies to track referrals sent from this website. Users should exercise caution when clicking on sponsored external links, understanding they do so at their own risk. The website and its owners cannot be held liable for any damages or implications arising from visiting the external links mentioned.

Social Media Platforms

This website engages with users through external social media platforms, with communication and actions subject to the terms, conditions, and privacy policies of each platform. Users are encouraged to use social media wisely, being cautious about privacy and personal details. The website and its owners will never request sensitive information through social media platforms, suggesting users contact them through primary communication channels like telephone or email. Social sharing buttons on the website allow users to share content directly from web pages to relevant social media platforms. Users are advised to use these buttons at their discretion, understanding that social media platforms may track and save requests to share web pages through users’ accounts.

Questions? Feel free to reach out to us.

Last updated by on January 18, 2024.

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